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Happy New Year and the Story of the Hydrant

Happy New Year to everyone and hope your night was way less cold than NOLA which dropped down to the very uncomfortable temp of 28 last night. We were safe and sound at a local house party with good friends and their family, and enjoyed fireworks and wonderful cocktails provided by our hosts.

Since we chat about drinks, bars and going out a lot, this story is about a 9th ward fire hydrant that was recovered after hurricane Katrina and found a new home as a piece of functional art in our home. The hydrant was ripped from it's normally stable perch in the 9th ward due to floating debris from the broken levee. Remember that a barge broke loose and crashed through the levee in this section of New Orleans and flooded the surrounding neighborhoods. Our friends were part of the restart of the Chalmette Refinery reboot and as they traveled to work each day, they noticed the uprooted hydrant and decided to provide it with a new home. The Hydrant was initially moved to uptown New Orleans before it found its new home at Mimiskdo. You can see the before and after pics here as the Hydrant changed from a dismal aluminum city color to a bright fire engine red. As an added bonus, we added the inner piping so the Hydrant returns to a watery function and fills our pool with water as needed.

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