Friday the 13th Was No Picnic

Friday the 13th in the town of Voodoo is general nothing to worry about, but this year of course, things changed a lot which has kept us pretty much away from our favorite places and many of our friends. March 12 was our last evening of "fun" in the way that we normally experience it, and we were pleased to get invited to the Latter Hospitality Group's newest creation The Bower.
The Bower is a smaller restaurant concept adjacent to the wine bar Claret which is another gem of Latter Hospitality. Opening night was a great time with free cocktails, wine and a wonderful selection of appetizers and entrees. The interior is modern with creative lighting and a fancy greenhouse theme on the ceiling with crawling vines and other vegetation giving you a warm feel. A small bar provides nice seating in the event you need to wait for a table and clever cocktails are available. The chefs are on full display in the pass through window which is surrounded by counter seating.
The Bower opened for one day on that fateful Friday and then of course the world changed. Because it is nestled in a rebirth block in the Lower Garden District of New Orleans, our fingers are crossed that they will be back as NOLA reopens so we can all experience the new space.
The Bower
1320 Magazine Street